Your Endocannabinoid Tone might be the key player in overall health and happiness. Codi Peterson, Pediatric Pharmacist, discusses cannabis from the pharmacy for patients, what future medical markets might look like, the components that make up your Endocannabinoid Tone and why these components could be the missing key to understanding body and mind health.

Codi Peterson

Dr. Codi Peterson is a clinical Pediatric Pharmacist pursuing a MS in Medical Cannabis Science & Therapeutics from University of Maryland, School of Pharmacy. With this degree he wishes improve patient outcomes and quality of life. In addition Codi works with businesses to optimize processes, ensure compliance, and enhance business outcomes.

Codi is most interested in promoting the medicinal value of cannabis, enhancing endocannabinoid health, and driving the industry forward with an evidence based, integrative approach to cannabinoid-focused care.

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