Pharmacology 101 – Pharmacokinetics

Hello all, coming at you with some basic pharmacology concepts here today! Earlier we learned about the two branches of pharmacology – kinetics and dynamics. Today we will be focusing on pharmacokinetics.

This arm of pharmacology focuses on the movement of drugs around the body. “Kinetic” means relating to motion or movement. KINETICS can be summarized as: A-D-M-E

All of these processes begin as soon as the drug enters the body. All the phases occur at once, and our understanding of each aspect of pharmacokinetics has it’s limitations and variables. Differences in patients genetics, in their body type (excess fat), and in their individual health can all lead to major changes in the pharmacokinetics of a particular substance

To give you perspective on ADME, here is an example using the most commonly consumed illicit chemical in the world–the notorious THC molecule.

From a pharmacokinetics perspective, a person smoking a THC-containing joint means:

Absorption: THC in the joint is burnt, that THC is inhaled into the lungs, where it is absorbed into the bloodstream and then moved around the body.

Distribution: The movement of the THC from the lungs into the blood, tissues and brain. Because THC is fat-loving, that is the final destination for much of the THC and it’s metabolites.

Metabolism: The breakdown within the body. The body sees THC as foreign and tries to get rid of it as soon as it is inhaled. The body breaking down chemicals is called metabolism. This process is responsible for the power of edible cannabis. the 11-hydroxy-THC metabolite causes more intoxication.

Excretion: Once fully metabolized and ready to be removed from the body, THC leaves via the urine or feces.

This understanding of how cannabis moves through the body is still being studied with great interest. We only discovered the ECS and other related receptors and molecules within the last 20 to 25 years. It may seem like we don’t know much about this plant, but let’s not forget how far we have come!

One Love,
Dr. Codi

Codi Peterson

Dr. Codi Peterson is a clinical Pediatric Pharmacist pursuing a MS in Medical Cannabis Science & Therapeutics from University of Maryland, School of Pharmacy. With this degree he wishes improve patient outcomes and quality of life. In addition Codi works with businesses to optimize processes, ensure compliance, and enhance business outcomes.

Codi is most interested in promoting the medicinal value of cannabis, enhancing endocannabinoid health, and driving the industry forward with an evidence based, integrative approach to cannabinoid-focused care.

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